Kiltiernan Group Water Scheme

Kiltiernan Group Water Scheme is an amalgamation of the Kiltiernan, Castletaylor, Lisnagranchy and Lavallyconnor Group Water Schemes. Works to facilitate the amalgamation of these schemes were carried out under Galway GWS DBO Bundle No.2, Advance Works Contract No. 5. These works included the installation of 13.33km of new watermains. Kiltiernan Group Water Scheme consists of approximately 35km of watermains, ranging in diameter from 37mm to 200mm serving 570 No. connections.
Raw water is extracted from a borehole in Kiltiernan West and pumped to newly constructed water treatment plant, which is operated and maintained by Glan Agua under the Galway GWS DBO Bundle No.2 Contract. Treated water is pumped into Kiltiernan Group Water Scheme distribution network.
Opening by Minister Phil Hogan TD on 1st June 2012

Despite the changes to how the group water scheme operates, the scheme still relies on the volunteers which make up the board and the board needs to ensure it represents the members. The water requirements of our members are all different – for example that of a farmer, a stay at home parent, those who are out of work or …. the list goes on. We need to hear your voice and viewpoint to help enrich the diversity within the board and shape the decisions for the future. The role of the board members does not involve going door to door collecting money or reading meters. In short I would like to invite you to join us. For those of you who can spare 1 evening per month then please submit your name by mail or email. No experience, qualification or amazing skills are pre requisites.
In order to be eligible for election to the board you must be a scheme member. As only one nomination per shareholding is permitted, any member of the household over 18 can be selected to represent the household.
Our preference is for a board of 12 members with 3 members from each of the 4 original scheme regions.
If you don’t wish to be part of the board but would like to volunteer your services, time or skills then please let us know. Having a point of contact that we can consult is invaluable and can aid in the development of the scheme.