Our water scheme quality and taste has been extremely good over the years but in early June we saw a deterioration in raw water quality. (Full details available in the news section below). It improved again but there was very heavy rain last Friday and since then the raw water quality has been up and down. There are high levels of turbidity (relative clarity of a liquid) and colour in the water entering the plant and it is taking up a lot of chlorine. The plant operator, Glan Agua has to maintain a chlorine residual in the water leaving the plant and to get this residual they have to dose extra chlorine and as a result some members may experience a chlorine smell and/or a taste from the water. The chlorine levels in the water are still within allowed limits. Galn Agua are constantly adjusting the dosing level to get the balance right.

The treated water leaving the plant is well below the permissible limits for colour and turbidity. We had a sample of water tested from the network on Monday and the bacteria results were in compliance. We are awaiting the chemical analysis results.

Latest Test Results (Click Here) from the 26th July 2021 show that the treated water was acceptable with respect to the bacteriological parameters assessed with neither Coliforms or E.coli detected.

Galway Co Council took samples for testing from a house on the network and from Kiltiernan School on Tuesday and we are waiting for those results also.

We will continue to keep you informed through this site.