

View various publications and advisory notes from the group water scheme

Teagasc Water Quality Week

By |March 22nd, 2021|

For Teagasc Water Quality Week, visit Teagasc, in collaboration with the Dairy Processing Co-Ops and the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO), are running a Water Quality Week from Monday 22nd March

SSL Certificate for website

By |October 23rd, 2020|

Website now has an SSL Certificate Digital certificates serve as the backbone of internet security. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, sometimes called digital certificates, are used to establish an

Covid 19

Covid-19 has almost completely disappeared from the media however we need to be aware that it is not gone. Life has reverted back to the pre-Covid days for the most part but there are still some observances we need to follow. I ask you be respectful when dealing with the scheme workers / sub contractors when conducting face to face meetings as we need to be mindful of their health and safety. Please maintain a minimum of 2 meters distance at all times and when a more prolonged conversation is required, please contact us by phone or email.

Health & Safety

Kiltiernan Group Water scheme is committed to conducting business in a manner that is safe for its workers and members of the community. If you have any safety concerns related to the group water scheme please contact the scheme manager at or the Safety Representative at

Contact US





Please contact Michael John murphy, the scheme manager, at if there are any issues you wish to discuss.
If there is any difficulty in making contact on this email then please contact

Alternatively phone Michael John at 086 0203012

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