Water Conservation
The Kiltiernan Group Water Scheme Board of Management would like to remind all our members the importance of water conservation and most particularly throughout this dry period. We are not currently at a stage where we need to apply water restrictions but we do appreciate all efforts our members make not to waste the water.
Water Quality
The water quality status is moving from advisory status to safe as our test results continue to indicate the water quality is safe. We invite any of our members to contact us with any concerns or questions they may have and while the scheme has made every effort to communicate the progress we have compiled
Water Quality
Michael John has started flushing the mains yesterday and will continue through next week. There may be a drop in water pressure in some areas during this activity. While our test result data on water leaving the treatment plant continues to be within parameters, our recommendation on boiling the water will remain in place until
Water Quality
The raw water quality within the treatment plant has returned to “normal “ values with the treated water color and turbidity low. This improvement is reflected in the increased UV Intensity and the stabilization in the chlorine usage at the treatment plant. The taste issues noted on the network are likely as a result of
Water Quality
Test results taken by both Glan Agua and the Kiltiernan Group water scheme are coming back and the results to date are very positive. We are still waiting on further test results and a scouring regiment to flush the line will be conducted over the next week. During this period we would continue to
Water Quality
Dear customers, By way of update to the ongoing elevated turbidity and chlorine levels of the water supply please be advised that we are working closely with our partners in Galway County Council, Health Service Executive, Health and Safety Authority and Glen Agua (the company that manage the pump house). The health and safety
Water Quality
Galway County Council, Glan Agua and the environmental health section of the HSA are working with us in addressing the water turbidity issues we are currently experiencing. We will update this website when we have additional updates.
Water Advisory Notice
Dear customers, We would like to inform you that for operational reasons Glen Agua, the company that operate the pump house, had to increase the level of chlorine in the raw water supply. Over the weekend an automatic alert was triggered on the water quality monitoring system raising tubrity concerns over the water entering the